Very low-priced items, designer goods and electronics are often cheap counterfeits and knockoffs. Call the event organizer to check whether there is an admission fee. The goal is to steal credit card information.
Scammers are creating fake event pages, social media posts and emails charging admission for what would normally be free events. Scammers may try to get you to pay new shipping fees or infect your device with malware by clicking links. Where possible, donate to a charity through a website and using a credit card.Īs more people do their shopping online, scammers are taking advantage by sending fake details about shipping. Donors are advised to lookout for fraudulent charities or scammers pretending to be in need. Some may lead to look-alike websites designed to look like the real thing, but are created to get your personal information and infect your device with malware.Īccording to the BBB, 40% of all charitable donations are received in the last few weeks of the year. When you get an email with a link inside, make sure you’re going to a legitimate website. Keep an eye out for any opportunity that seems too good to be true, asks for payment up front, or tries to get you to work before hiring you. While the jobs are an excellent way to make money, job seekers need to be wary of employment scams. Many stores hire seasonal workers to meet holiday shopping demands. Often these scams appear in pop-up ads or text messages. Scammers will use words like “free” while impersonating legitimate companies. Always call your account provider before giving any information. The BBB has received reports about emails, calls and text messages saying that your Amazon, PayPal, Netflix or bank account has been compromised. Always read the privacy information about what information will be collected and be careful about free apps that not only may have more advertising, but could also contain malware.
But these scams give people access to information about you, your friends and your family, and often trick people into buying gifts for strangers with nothing in return.īe wary of downloading any new holiday apps. Make sure you research any company before ordering from them.Ī new version of this scam centers around exchanging bottles of wine or submit your email in a list for a “secret Santa”-style exchange.
Items on social media may appear to be from small businesses, may claim to donate to charity, or may even charge monthly for a free trial you never signed up for. To help keep you safe, the BBB has a “naughty list” with the “ top 12 scams of Christmas.” In a nonpayment scam, the goods are sent but the seller is never paid. In a nondelivery scam, someone pays for items but never receives them. The two most common types of holiday scams are nondelivery and nonpayment, according to the FBI. Novemat 12:12 pm EST By Lauren Silver, Cox Media Group National Content DeskĪs holiday shopping kicks into high gear, the Better Business Bureau is warning everyone to be careful and aware of possible scams while shopping this holiday season.